Thursday 19 September 2019

The Roulette Wheel - The Wheel is Your Friend

The Roulette Wheel - The Wheel is Your Friend
This article is for use with people who know how to play roulette, but would like to learn a better way to win.  I am not able to load pictures for reference to the table and the wheel, but if you open Wikipedia and compare and contrast then you will be able to follow along.
Roulette is a very old game and has been winning the casinos money all over the world money for quite some time. People have devised ways to cheat or beat the house ever since the invention of the game. Guess what, you cannot beat the game! You can only play it smart. That is what I am going to teach you in this article or at least part of the lesson any way. In this lesson, Series 1, The Roulette Wheel, I will show and tell you how the numbers on a wheel correlate to each other and the table.
The roulette wheel is not as daunting as it appears. There are actually patterns of numbers on it that are hiding from you. We will look at the American standard for a wheel since that is what I know. If we look at the wheel to the right, we will see that 00 is on top and 0 is on the bottom, those terrible numbers will be our guide post for the duration.
Starting at the 1 and rotating to the left on the wheel until the 20 there is a pretty resounding message and that message is 50% middle of the table or the 2nd third. If you put 20 chips on the table to match what I just told you, you would form arrows on the ends(1,3, 5 and 36, 32, 34) and you would form an X in the middle(13, 15, 17,20,22 and 24)
Now let us look at the right side of the wheel. The right side of the wheel starts at 2 and circles left again and stops at the 19.  Again this side of the wheel is 50% middle or the 2nd third of the table.  This pattern is similar to that of the left side of the wheel, except this side of the wheel has a circle in the middle(14, 16, 19, 23, 18, 21) and arrows pointing away from the center(4,2,6) and (31, 35, 33).
The reason to know this is evident if you play roulette.  Knowing positions on the wheel correlate to the table can really help you when trying to beat roulette or at least double your money.
This is just part of the wheel.  If you would like to know more about the roulette wheel and utilizing a roulette strategy that will work then you will have to either wait until the next series in this article or go to my website at   and tell me what you think. 


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